Me (talking to the two friends I was with): "I just got my flu shot."
Brilliant doctor pretending to be a lowly cashier at a shitty restaurant: "I don't know why you did that."
Me: "I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it was to prevent the flu."
Brilliant doctor pretending to be a lowly cashier at a shitty restaurant: "They don't work. I don't care how you look at it."
Me: "Well, what if we look at it medically?"
Brilliant doctor pretending to be a lowly cashier at a shitty restaurant: "They don't work."
Me: "Ok, how do you know?"
Brilliant doctor pretending to be a lowly cashier at a shitty restaurant: "Because I used to never get the flu. Then one time I got a flu shot and three months later I got the flu."
Me: "I'm not positive, but I think science typically strives for a slightly larger sample size than just you."
Brilliant doctor pretending to be a lowly cashier at a shitty restaurant: (Blank stare)
Me: "Damn, I wish I had talked to you yesterday before I got my flu shot; the pain in my arm could have been avoided."
I'm not sure why this woman thought that it was ok to interject her slightly under-qualified medical opinion into my bitching and moaning. Additionally, I can't fathom why she believed that the "evidence" she presented was persuasive in any way. That's like saying toilets don't work because one time a toilet somewhere got clogged and didn't flush properly. Most importantly, if she actually believes that she's right, why isn't she out there spreading the word? That's just plain selfish.
** Note to my daughter: Don't believe everything you hear.
Actually, it makes sense that she would have gotten the flu. And you might as well. Since she's never had the flu before, her body doesn't have any defense against them. When they gave her the shot, they essentially gave her a small dose of the flu, so her body would begin to produce its defense line. But as there are none there currently, that small amount may be enough to temporarily give her the flu. And you too.
Who are you??
Reinhold Messner
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