On November 4th, California will be voting on an initiative measure that appears on the California General Election ballot called "Proposition 8". If passed, the proposition would change the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California. A new section would be added stating "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California".
I'm not only writing about this today because two of my favorite people in the whole world are gay. I'm writing about this because ignorant and moronic people get entirely too much attention in this country and anyone actually in favor of passing this measure should be castrated and deported. Here are a few of the billion reasons that this makes no sense:
1) Is it really that hard to understand what equal rights mean? Seriously?? This country was founded on the idea that all people are created free and equal. No one can possibly misinterpret that. If you have a right, I get it too. Simple, right? Honestly, I don't understand what all the bullshit is about. I don't care if it's race, gender, age, cell phone provider, or what kind of privates you prefer when the lights are off; we should all have the equal right to make these choices. Isn't that the whole point? Anyone who disagrees, shut your ignorant ass up.
2) I'm sorry, but lesbians are hot. It just needed to be said. Goverment should be encouraging this sort of activity; not limiting it.
3) What the fuck is a "civil union"? Apparently a "Civil Union" is a legal arrangement between two people that individual states can elect to recognize. Typically they offer people about 1% of the rights and privileges that are enjoyed by legally married people. Do lawmakers actually think that they are fooling anyone? Even the presidential candidates are relatively open about their support of civil unions while condemning gay marriage. You can't be for something and against it. By agreeing that civil unions are ok but being against gay marriage, you don't secure the gay vote; you secure that the gay community hates you only slightly less than every other politician that is against equal rights.
4) The "Defense of Marriage Act" was passed on September 21, 1996. Sounds like a good thing, right? Wrong. This law had two effects: (a) "no state need treat a relationship between persons of the same sex as a marriage, even if the relationship is considered a marriage in another state." (b) "The Federal Government may not treat same-sex relationships as marriages for any purpose." I think I speak for the entire same-sex community when I say that Congress needs to work on its defense. How our Federal Government can claim to be securing equal rights for all of its citizens while still authoring this kind of legislative garbage is absolutely terrifying. I sincerely hope that anyone who voted for this Act in 1996 gets trapped in an elevator with a pack of angry goth lesbians.
5) All kidding aside, how can anyone possibly be against gay marriage? Do you think that preventing gay marriage will somehow cut down on the number of gay people in this country? Do you think that preventing gay marriage will in any way reduce the amount of gay sex going on in this country? Gay people are already living together and having sex in every city in America. So what's the problem? You people actually care whether or not two in-love and fully committed people get a piece of paper that says they can visit each other in the hospital or file their taxes jointly? To anyone that is against gay marriage, I have bad news for you... you always lose! You were upset that black people couldn't be slaves anymore; you were upset that women got to vote; you'll be upset when gay marriage is eventually legalized. Why don't you adopt a point of view consistent with the century you're living in.
** In the mean time, please vote AGAINST Proposition 8!!
1 comment:
I'm really on the fence about Prop 8. I'm not sure which way I'm going to vote on it. It's one of these propositions that I could go either way. There's just so much middle ground on this issue. It's not like you're either for it or against it really. I think I'll flip a coin and then vote for this one.
Harvey Milk 4eva!
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