So I'm trying to order a birthday present for the two-year old daughter of a friend of mine. Snapfish offers some really cool books for kids, where you can import a picture of the kid that will then appear as a character in the book.
Despite these books being called "Specialty Gifts", it is apparently impossible to send them with a gift card or any kind of note that lets the gift-ee know who the gift-or is. Seriously? You mean to tell me that it never occurred to the brain trust at snapfish, that someone might want to give their gift... as a gift?!? Lucky for me, snapfish does offer excellent customer support. They let you chat with a customer service representative (named Subhash) on their website. I'll copy and paste the whole chat. It's a little long, but I tried to make it as entertaining as possible:
Subhash: Hi. Welcome to Snapfish Live Help. How may I help you please?
Adam: I'm trying to order the "baby's first birthday" book. Is there any way for me to add a gift message to the order?
Subhash: Please note that while you are trying to place an order you will find "free gift message" link. If you find that then you can add a gift message. Otherwise it is not possible to add a gift message to your order.
Adam: "If I find that"? Fun, I like puzzle games. But, alas, I cannot find it... so does that mean that I cannot add a gift message to this specialty gift?
Subhash: I certainly regret any inconvenience this may have caused.
Adam: Really, the only inconvenience is how NOT helpful this is... why would you have a "SPECIALTY GIFT" where I can't include a gift message??
Subhash: I am sorry, there is no free gift message note for picture me books. Is there anything else I might assist you with today?
Adam: Do you think you provided me with good customer service today?
Subhash: I am sorry, if I have disappointed you in some way.
Adam: I am very disappointed
Subhash: Please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience you experienced.
Adam: I do not accept your apology.
Subhash: Ok I will forward your request to our appropriate department.
Adam: Can you offer me something else?
Subhash: Due to this inconvenience I have issued 30 4x6 print credits to your Snapfish account.
Adam: That really doesn't help me. Here is what I want from you: dinner for two at a sushi restaurant in Chicago.
Subhash: I am sorry, but the gift message note is not available for book orders.
Adam: You already said that. What about giving me a gift certificate to a restaurant? When I upset my wife, she makes me take her out for a nice dinner. I think it is the least you can do.
Subhash: I am sorry, i cannot provide you that.
Adam: Why not?
Please wait while your chat is transferred to Sara. You are now chatting with Sara.)
Sara: Hi Adam. I am sorry that you are upset. Is there something else we can assist you with today?
Adam: I was suggesting a sushi dinner.
Sara: We are a photo site, not a sushi restaurant. He has issued you 30 print credits. Is there anything else we can asssit you with today?
Adam: I don't think that 30 print credits properly compensate me for the frustration of not being able to tell a gift recipient that the gift is from me.
Sara: Thank you for your suggestion. I apologize for the frustration.
Adam: Subhash already apologized. Could you send a letter from Snapfish to the people that I'm sending the gift to?
Sara: There are plenty of cards you can create on our site that are perfect for this occasion should you wish to create one and alert your gift recipient.
Adam: I'm asking if you could personally send a note on Snapfish letterhead. I think it would go a long way towards making everything ok.
Sara: Sure...
Adam: Really? What would it say?
Sara: Dear so and so...then whatever you would like me to say.
Adam: Hmm. Well, maybe start it with "Dear Jason" because that is his name.
Session terminated by customer service representative)